Sunday, 13 January 2013


Proteins are the building blocks of life. Protein is excellent for our body. It's a required component to keep our muscles strong so we can do our daily tasks. It helps keep our body-fat lower. It helps our body heal and repair injuries. It's necessary for our hair and nails to grow well. Protein is simply necessary for our bodies to run smoothly, plain and simple. The basic structure of protein is a chain of amino acids.

When proteins are digested, amino acids are left. The human body needs a number of amino acids to break down food. Amino acids need to be eaten in large enough amounts for optimal health.

Amino acids are found in animal sources such as meats, milk, fish, and eggs, as well as in plant sources such as soy, beans, legumes, nut butters, and some grains (such as wheat germ). You do not need to eat animal products to get all the protein you need in your diet.
A nutritionally balanced diet provides enough protein. Healthy people rarely need protein supplements.
Vegetarians are able to get enough essential amino by eating a variety of plant proteins.
The amount of recommended daily protein depends upon your age and health. Two to three servings of protein-rich food will meet the daily needs of most adults.
 Most people do not get enough protein in thier diet, unfortuntately. That is why so many people turn to protein powders. However, not all protein powders are created equal. It's nessary to know what ingredients to look for in a protein powder and make that your base for a good tasting shake, that will supplement your daily protein intake. For instance, a protein shake shoule be made primarily with whey, which is the best source of protein on the market, not soy. In addition, it should not be loaded with refined sugar which simply raises our blood-sugar level and causes health problems.

Make sure you get enought protein in your diet everyday =)

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