Monday, 14 January 2013

Book Review

as long as you are my angel; my miracle

So the 'cool dude' Ritesh Garg is in 9th standard. Falls for a sweet-matured-honest-girl (as happens in almost every love story). They have common friends (obviously all girls). He does all kinds of things to woo her. She gets wooed. Success. Everything was ideal. 

Suddenly, there is a turn, she had to break up. Guy's infidelity?? NO. For that read this book!

This love story has happened in every guy’s life at school. That time when their life was completely commanded by their parents, which would make them irritated. Ritwik’s story is no different. While reading this book a guy would find the story his story.
 What follows next is a simple description of how Ritesh and Arushi live their love story in school. They face problems in relationship which are very common. Arushi has a strict mother. They degrade in their academics, problems with friends etc. Nothing unexpected is to be expected in this story.  That fear of rejection, not getting night’s sleep waiting for answer, joy of new relation, maintaining it and to keep it under wraps hiding from parents.

The same story line, the same plot! Still the book is interesting. It compels you to buy its sequel (Because You Loved Me..i dont mind falling in love, all over again).
 A very simple tale with nothing to offer that sets it apart. The way of writing is pretty simple and straight forward. Even the characters in this book are straight and uncomplicated. 
But, the book is engaging. You get the feel and remain connected to the book till the end (except at few places where Ritwik- the author, gets too philosophical). I’d recommend this book for a casual evening read!!
I give *** 1/2 to my last week’s rather weekend’s partner. :)

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